Sherman College Celebrates the Investiture of 6th President Dr. Jack M. Bourla

Spartanburg, SC (05/09/2023) — On Wednesday, the third of May two thousand and twenty-three at six o'clock in the evening, Sherman College of Chiropractic celebrated the Investiture of the 6th president of the college Jack M. Bourla, D.C., A.C.P. The ceremony was held on Sherman's campus in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and in attendance were 4 past Sherman College presidents, chiropractic and community dignitaries, college faculty and staff, friends, and family.

Jack Bourla, D.C., A.C.P., began his tenure as the sixth president of Sherman College of Chiropractic in December 2022 and is responsible for guiding the direction of the institution while continuing to shape and influence the chiropractic profession. He is committed to ensuring the mission of Sherman College is alive for many generations to come.
Under Dr. Bourla's leadership, the college utilizes the most modern strategies in education to assure that students are well-equipped to serve their communities upon graduation. Sherman strives to maintain the purity of chiropractic by emphasizing the importance of science, art, and philosophy in the classroom at every opportunity.

Dr. Bourla ran a successful private practice, Providence Chiropractic Center, in Redwood City, California for 25 years, and when realizing the importance of perpetuating the vertebral subluxation model, he felt compelled to bring his experience to Sherman College. One of his greatest joys is watching young minds develop into successful, confident, and competent doctors of chiropractic.
Dr. Bourla is a first-generation United States citizen who is bilingual in English and French. He has served the chiropractic profession in educational and organizational leadership roles such as dean of clinics at Life West Chiropractic College and former president and chairman of the board of the International Federation of Chiropractors and Organizations (IFCO). He is a current member of the IFCO board of directors.

Dr. Bourla was awarded the California Chiropractic Association President's Award, 2011-2012 and Doctor of the Year, 2012-2013, and Sherman College Service to the Profession Award, 2022.

Dr. Bourla and his wife Erin have two children, Jacqueline and Evan. Jacqueline currently resides in California. Dr. Bourla, Erin and Evan reside in the on-campus residence known as the Brown house.

Media Attachments

Jack M. Bourla, D.C., A.C.P.